Is that Marat on the ground? Typifies the afternoon. A 1-0 victory was well-deserved, although we all know we should have won by several more goals. We carved that team up from the opening kickoff. Our first half play, other than finishing, was pretty good, I thought. We lost a bit of composure and totally lost our shape during the last 15-20 minutes. Great desire to get the goal, though. We'll work out the kinks - that was our first game on a big field in a couple of months, so no worries. Thanks to Sam for the photo - get the knee healed, Sam, we need you. Those of you who saw the e-mail know that we're now down 2 players. Let's think about positive talk out there. Bitch at the other team, lift our team, capisce?
Is that Jeff kicking Marat while he's down? That must be the punishment for missing easy goals. In that case, Jeff you owe me a few good kicks to the side!
well, if you can't get the ball, get the man...
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