10 July 2007

was there much of a turnout last night? i caught tied up with my kids & couldn't make it.

i just found out pick-up at in the net won't start until september (the manager will let me know when they start - she's expecting to post it in august & she's considering having pick-up next summer since there have been alot of people calling) / they don't do any men's tournaments - only kids / & the cost to rent their outdoor field is $75/hr in the spring & $100/hr in the fall (so unless everyone wants to chip in towards $750 in field costs in the spring & $1,000 in the fall in the net is not a good option - the indoor field is $360/hr!!!)

i'm going to try & make it to hershey's pick-up tomorrow evening.


Pele said...

Sorry Boys I couldn't make it out. I will try to make it to one or both of the days - I agree with Jeff that we should do a week by week roll call to just confirm that we have numbers.

At this stage, I'm guessing that we don't have the numbers for tomorrow.

sermopoeticus said...

but come to Hershey if you feel like it...