24 August 2007


All - just a couple of things. The league schedule isn't up yet, but as far as I know, our first game will be Sunday, September 9. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything for certain.Only Kurt has registered so far. Please remember to do so by the end of next week.This Monday marks the last Monday kickaround (the following Monday is Labor Day, the next week is in-season). If you can, please try to make it at 6.45/7 (due to earlier darkness) at CD East. Should we try to set something up for next Wednesday at Fiala? We need at least 10 guys to show. Respond if you're up for it (and for Monday as well).The first batch of jerseys arrived this week. The rest are scheduled to arrive Monday, so I will bring them then. Cost is $50, and let me tell you, it's worth it. They're beautiful and I think you'll hang on to them for a long time.Have a good weekend, and I hope to see you Monday and Wednesday.jc


chris dawson said...

just registered.

i will try to make it monday.

Pele said...

Just registered

I will try to make it Monday as well.

Anonymous said...

Monday unlikeley because of U6 practice. (I'm much better than most of the kids there). Will be there Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

just registered
i will be there monday

Sean said...

Just Registered.

I will see everyone on gameday.
