06 September 2007

Roster for Sunday

Our first game is Sunday, September 9, 4pm at Fiala. Right now we're looking a bit thin. Like Supermodel thin.Here's who I believed is confirmed for the game:
5.Chris D
And no goalie.

Possibly attending are:
11. Mark Bryan (yes a return of the non-stop engine perhaps)

Definitely out are:
12. Jim
13. Mike
14. James

Haven't heard from, so I'll assume out until we hear otherwise:
15. Steve
16. Gary

According to the website, the following have not registered: Matthew, Steve, Gary, Marat.

For those coming, bring at least the $50 for the jerseys. We won't get to wear these jersey's Sunday as Camp Hill wears white. Bring your old red shirts. I'll calculate the remaining fees once we see how many sign up.

Also, we still don't have a dedicated keeper. If anyone is willing to step up for Sunday, let me know. Otherwise it's the last one who shows up.The forecast is for thunderstorms Sunday. Stay tuned.Take care and I'll see you Sunday.

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