10 March 2006

For The Record

This is the only reference to the word "slide" or "sliding" in Sports City's rules:

3.1 Slide tackling is not permitted whether or not it would have been a legal slide tackle outdoors. A violation will result in possession changing at the point of the tackle. A slide tackle for the purpose of this rule is defined as an attempt by a player to gain possession of the ball from another by tackling in such a way as to cause a knee or other part of the tackler’s body (other than the feet) to touch the floor before, during or immediately after the tackle. A limited exception to this rule is permitted for goal keepers if they are within the penalty box and in the opinion of the Referee the slide tackle is not a “dangerous play.”

I think it is quite clear from this that sliding is permitted in all cases except when tackling. Luckily for us, the ref got it wrong on Tuesday.

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