14 March 2006


----Original Message-----
From: Matt Crist [mailto:mcrist@twinponds.com]
Sent: 14 March, 2006 12:36
To: Matt Crist
Subject: Twin Ponds Soccer Tennis Tournament

Twin Ponds is hosting a Soccer Tennis tournament to close out the Winter II
season. Come to Twin Ponds, work on your soccer skill and have fun playing
soccer tennis!! Bring a friend, bring your whole team, this is a great way
to work on soccer skill while having competitive fun!!

Twin Ponds Soccer Tennis Tournament
March 25th 12-6pm - Mega Field
- Youth U13 and Below – Boys and Girls
- Youth U14 and Up – Boys and Girls
- Adult Male / Female and Coed Divisions
- Groups may be combine depending on signups
- Teams will play in a 20x10 area with a net (or something) in the middle
- Lines are ruled as in bounds
- Played similar to tennis
- Ball has one bounce per side (two bounces for U13 and below)
- Each player has a max of two touches
- Players must work together to send ball back and forth
- Players may pass to one another in the air as long as they do not exceed
their two touches
- Scoring like in Ping-Pong will be used
- Must win by two
- Each division tournament will consist of round robin games to seed teams,
then an elimination style tournament to crown a champion.
- $25 per team - advanced registration / $30 per team - registration at the
- Guaranteed 3 games
- Register Online or by contacting Matt at 795-7663 ext 25 or
- Prizes for the winners
- Music, Food and Lots of FUN!!

**Early in the morning, Ronaldinho has been spotted running on the Barcelona
beaches and then has been playing soccer tennis or soccer volleyball gearing
up for Brazil's unprecedented sixth World Cup title run.
More information at Twin Ponds and on our website at www.twinponds.com.

Registration is now taking place. Hope to see you on the 25th!!
Matt Crist
Director of Turf Sports at Twin Ponds
717.795.7663 ext 25

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