27 August 2006

This Week

All - This past Thursday I visited with Chris Dawson. He just had some complications as a result of the ACL reconstruction surgery. He has a blood clot in his leg, which thankfully was caught in time, and is now laid up for a bit. He should resume PT soon, and estimates that he'll make it back at least for part of the Spring. If you get the chance, drop him a line and wish him well. Maybe he'll spot you some Percocet...

Also, based on our roster at the end of this week, I'll make the calculation as to what the team fees for the season will be. If we add players after next Sunday, we can redistribute funds as we see fit. I vote for one of those World Cup balls.

Copied from the e-mail sent out earlier:

As usual, we'll be out at CD East on Monday at 7, at Fiala on Wednesday at 7. Next week is labor day, so I assume we won't be getting together on Monday unless enough voice their opinions otherwise.
According to the schedule, our first game is against Camp Hill on Sunday, September 10, 1pm at CD East. Our second game is Sunday, September 17 at 3pm, at Harrisburg Christian School against Londonderry.
The roster stands at 14 players having registered, one being Billy who has been quite quiet this summer. Billy? Billy?
I know new Mark will register, and that is 15.
Have I forgotten anyone who has registered that you know of?
Take it easy and I'll see you this week.


Pele said...

I'll remind Hector to register this week....he doesn't really do anything on the internet.

Also, the following people said that they might have leads on decent, hungry, non-whinging players: Gary, Sam, Jim and Kurt. (We do not want to beg anyone to play for us, nor do we want players who think that they are better than they are...we have 4 slots left on the roster)

I can also try to go play footie on Monday night to see if I can catch up will Billy since he's not responding to anyone's email.

sermopoeticus said...

Anyone feel like showing up at 6.45 so we get a little more daylight?
Come down to the big field!