27 December 2006
Sports City Tie Breaker Rule
Before we worry about tie breaker rules against National FC, we need to first concentrate on (#1) winning games and (#2) having few goals scored against us. For an explanation of why see below. Thanks again for your hard work yesterday.
9A.3 Tie-breaker Rules (These tie-breaker rules are not used to determine the winner of a tournament semi-final or championship game.)
In the event two or more teams have accumulated the same number of points in a tournament or league, the tie will be broken according to the following provisions, and in this order:
A.) Head to head competition-The result of the game(s) between the teams tied. (In the event of a tie between three or more teams, this tie-breaker will be skipped and the next tie-breaker(s) considered sequentially. Once one team is determined to have the best record of the teams tied, then that team will advance. The remaining teams will then begin the tie-breaker process anew starting with A. and proceed until one of the teams is found to have the better record. Then, that team, along with the first team to advance, will begin the tie-breaker process again starting with A.)
B.) Fewest points allowed in all games.
C.) Most shutouts recorded in all games.
D.) Total points scored in all games (however, a maximum of 3 points will be awarded per game).
E.) Coin toss or such other tie-breaker as both coaches and Sports City agree to.
11 December 2006
Mourinho is a #%$&@$%^
06 December 2006
Tonight's Indoor Match
A few comments heard afterwards:
-- we didn't follow the runners
-- we need to play man to man vs zone defense
-- when we marked them, they didn't have anything
-- we need to keep our heads up and slow down in attack
-- we rushed when we fell behind
All worth thinking about. However, keep in mind that we were in the game all the way to the end and it could have easily gone the other way. We frustrated them as well. Good for us.
Nick, I thought you had a great game winning tackles all over the place. All our goals were the result of that kind of hustle. So, it's not all negative. Let's have a blast next week.
Anyone for kicking around outside one weekend day?
22 November 2006
European Matches live to watch online!!!
Many links from around the world will appear, I've had luck by just selecting the "live" windows media feed. Often times, it will say that it can't connect, this is because of traffic, keep hitting play until you get through. The quality is very good as long as you internet connection is good.
Happy watching and good luck getting work done!
19 November 2006
Good Finish
As for next season, we can always use good players, so if you know anyone, let everyone know. I know that some of you may be moving on to greener pastures, and I hope that if this is your intention, you'll let us know that as well.
I think next Spring we will be very competitive and can make a run to move up to division 1. Let's keep working and get it done.
How about a night for beer sometime before the end of the year?
In any case, it's been a good season and let's get excited for the spring.
16 November 2006
Last Game of the Season
Bring your a-game.
13 November 2006
Stat Update!
Jim L.: 8 (fwd)
Nick: 4 (mid-center)
Dil: 3 (def)
Jim Z: 3 (mid-wing)
Mark N.: 3 (mid-wing)
Marat: 2 (fwd)
Mark K: 2 (mid-wing)
Gary: 1 (mid-center)
Jeff C.: 1 (mid-center)
Honorary mention:
Jeff S. 4 Assists! (we are only counting assists for Jeff S.-sorry)
Steve G. (a.k.a. Qin) 1 appearance! (2 if you he makes the last match)
09 November 2006
Next Game
Directions: Penn State Middletown Campus: Take I-283 towards Lancaster to the Harrisburg International Airport exit. On exiting, stay in the left lane. Follow signs to the airport terminal. Just before the road splits to enter the terminal area there will be an exit on the right for Rt. 230. Take the Rt. 230 exit. At the bottom of the exit ramp (Rt. 230 intersection) turn left onto Rt. 230. Follow Rt. 230 for approximately 1 mile to the Penn State Capitol Campus (campus is on the left). Turn left into the campus and bear right at the fork. Proceed to the top of the hill. The soccer field will be off to the left. Field with lights.
Let's finish this game off better than the last.
07 November 2006
Indoor Tonight
I plan on attending, but my daughter has conjunctivitis and I may have to make up for missing some work. I'll post my status later.
Please post your status - it would be good to get a few guys out there and work on some short passing...
02 November 2006
Stats Summary 22 for/12 against in 7 matches
Nick: 3 (mid-center) - confirmed
Dil: 3 (def)
Jim Z: 3 (mid-wing)
Mark N.: 2 (mid-wing) - confirmed
Gary: 2 (mid-center)
Jeff C.: 1 (mid-center) - confirmed
Marat: 1 (fwd)
Mark K: 1 (mid-wing)
*someone has to lose 2 goals, we're only 22 goals for/12 goals against
-So what does this analysis tell us?
1) Jim is a goal scoring machine (with Jim skewing the data--in a good way!)
2) We've averaged 2.75 goals in 7 games (with the match against Hellanic skewing the data)
3) Fwds: 9/22 goals
4) Mids (center): 6/22 goals
5) Mids (wings): 6/22 goals (perhaps -1 here?)
6) Def (center): 3/22 goals (perhaps -1 here?)
7) There have been a total of 270 goals scored in D1 and D2, averaging at 18 goals per team, that's 2.57 goals per game in 7 games. So as pathetic as it is, we are above average.
8) Division One's average is 19.12 goals per team (with angelos 28 goals and annville 32 skewing the data).
9) Division Two's average is a pathetic 16.71 goals per team (with ES???? leading the pack on goals scored).
10) We've allowed 12 goals to be scored against us, with 2 clean sheets (against camp hill and hellanic). That's 1.71 goals allowed per match.
11) Games we've won by 1 goal=3/7
12) Games we've lost by 1 goal=1/7
13) Games we've won by more than 1 goal=2/7
14) Games won away 3/7 - Games lost away 1/7
15) Games won home 2/7 - Games lost at home 1/7
So, statistically, what does this tell us? That perhaps we should consider switching our formation (especially with only 3 matches left) to (ala Arsenal yesterday) a 4-5-1 (with one midfielder supporting Jim or Henry if you like)) or a 3-5-2, offering offensively minded and defensively minded midfield play. A majority of our efforts (almost 50% are coming from the midfield-as they should be)--an even distribution of goals are coming from the wings (5) and from the center of the pitch (6).
Of course, none of these statistics are valid if we don't play hard, want to win and work together as a team.
I'm doing all of this because I'm supposed to be studying for my doctoral exams--I get easily distracted :)
31 October 2006
Two quick things
Twin Ponds tonight: I suspect those of you who said that they would play tonight forgot that it was Halloween....anyone showing anyway? I might, but I don't have children.
30 October 2006
Last Game, Pickup, Next Game
Pickup tomorrow night is between 7-9 at Twin Ponds.
Next game is Sunday at 1, CD East (I think) against Londonderry. Bring your blue shirts.
Again, good work, see you next week.
25 October 2006
23 October 2006
Twin Ponds Pick-up
For those of you who a) read the blog and b) think that they need additional time to work on fitness, skills, shooting and miss weekly practice.
Twin Ponds has open pick-up every Tuesday from 7-9pm. The skill level varies but is generally decent, with players ranging in age from 17-60.
I won't be there this Tuesday (10/24) but otherwise plan to attend whenever I can.
Directions to Twin Ponds: http://ezleagues.ezfacility.com/contact_us.aspx?facility_id=15
Look inside yourself, see what you can improve, see what we as a team can do better. Other than the obvious - finishing.
Let's get ready for the physical game next Sunday against Camp Hill.
There is pickup indoor at Twin Ponds on Tuesday - Nick, can you post the times?
Rest up and I'll see you Sunday if not before,
17 October 2006
Upcoming Games
Solid work this past weekend - let's not get carried away, however. There was some talk, and I agree with it, that we were still too vertical in our attack. We used the width very well, I thought, but didn't really switch the point of attack. This upcoming game, Sunday, 1pm at CDEast against Redland, let's work on that. We don't have to go directly to goal. Review Argentina's 24-pass goal against Serbia from this past world cup (got to be somewhere online).
Other games coming up are: Camp Hill, Sunday, Oct.29, 1pm at Fiala, Londonderry, November 5, 1pm at CD East. Those will be tough, so let's get ready for them by playing hard this week.
Again, a nice win - we needed the result - but let's focus on lateral movement and, for Camp Hill and Lower Dauphin (last game of the season), physical play.
07 October 2006
I'd like to ask if anyone would like to manage the indoor sessions this year. It would be a big help. We've been managing by committee, which works great, but I need a bit of a break from my current role.
Any takers?
06 October 2006
03 October 2006
Ryan Maxim Suchy
01 October 2006
Forget that Fucking Fiasco
That sucked. For those not in attendance, and you were many, that was a 3-0 loss. That's right, a serious ass-whooping.
First, I'd like to apologize for playing like shit, not having any energy or fight. Don't know why, but I should perform better and will in the future.
Second, let's be schizophrenic here - forget this loss until we face them again. To move up to first division, we must beat them. So remember how shitty it feels to lose to them. All twenty of them. No excuses, though. We had more skill, but less fight. We did try, and the effort was there at times. The game just didn't come together for us.
Every team has games like these, when just about every bounce of the ball goes wrong, so let's regroup and come out fighting for the next one.
Next game is in two weeks. Based on what I heard, Wednesday will be a wash. I will be out of town Wednesday through Wednesday, so I can help put things together, but won't be there. I think playing next Sunday would be a good idea.
Have a good couple of weeks and be vocal with your ideas as to how we can bounce back.
Take it easy fellas,
25 September 2006
2. Great work again yesterday. I'm pleased we held on for a win. Hopefully you all are as unsatisified with our play as I am - we could be crisper, faster. The ball bounced trickily, however. And I must point out that our defense did really well - you guys not only stopped them consistently, but made brilliant runs out of the back. That's a huge bonus.
3. I am very impressed and pleased with our turnout at the games. Everyone seems happy to come out, the subs move in and out well - great work.
4. Wednesday - let's try for 6, assuming this will get us started until 6.15 at Fiala. Any chance of finding somewhere with lights? If you can't make it, please let everyone know.
5. Next game - Sunday, 3pm, at Swatara Creek Park. This field is right on the creek, so it will likely be soft. I know Tim can't make the 3.00 start. Any others?
Have a good week and thanks for all of your hard work and commitment.
23 September 2006
I am Your Father
Gary, just saying this now so it's out of the way - keep your son away from my daughters.
22 September 2006
Game 3
Game 3 is Sunday at 1pm at CD East. Please bring Blue and Red jerseys. I found an extra blue that I can bring.
Please forward this message to those who don't check the blog.
Right now I know Mike Labe won't be there - anyone else?
21 September 2006
18 September 2006
Game 2 Report
Great work yesterday. We really woke up after Jeff made that brilliant save in the opening minutes. The result was never in doubt after that. The game featured some great goals along with good interplay. Let's keep it up - next week, 1:00, CD East (home field). Bring both jerseys as I've no idea what color the other team is.
Some guys picked up knocks - Buddy, Jim, Mark N - anyone else? Take care of those.
Practice this week on Wednesday at Fiala, let's shoot for 6.15-6.20. Post replies here if you will attend.
By the way, the name of the magic energy goo Buddy graciously provided is Carb Boom (www.carbboom.com). He recommends the apple flavor as it tastes like apple pie. I don't know, but that stuff works. It's also helpful if you avoid exotic food and quantities of Newcastle Brown Ale (keyword: brown) the night before a game.
All right, take it easy and have a good week. Again, great games by everybody.
10 September 2006
Game 1 Report

Is that Marat on the ground? Typifies the afternoon. A 1-0 victory was well-deserved, although we all know we should have won by several more goals. We carved that team up from the opening kickoff. Our first half play, other than finishing, was pretty good, I thought. We lost a bit of composure and totally lost our shape during the last 15-20 minutes. Great desire to get the goal, though. We'll work out the kinks - that was our first game on a big field in a couple of months, so no worries. Thanks to Sam for the photo - get the knee healed, Sam, we need you. Those of you who saw the e-mail know that we're now down 2 players. Let's think about positive talk out there. Bitch at the other team, lift our team, capisce?
06 September 2006
Game Time / Field Change
See you there at 4:30.
05 September 2006
One More Pre-season Practice / Possible Game Change
Last practice before the season starts. We will meet on Wednesday at Fiala at - may I propose 6.30pm? I know that's tough. Please respond via comments so we can see who can make it that early.
Possible Game Time/Location Change:
Right now we're working on switching the game on Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 and from CD East to Fiala. The issue is that members of both teams are involved in Camp Hill youth soccer activities at 12:30. As soon as we hear from the refs, I will let everyone know.
To those who were there last night, sorry for being annoying. No energy, sore ankles in that muck made for an asshole attack. Plus Ξανθίππη.
I did hear some good talk about not getting overconfident. That's a big key - it doesn't matter how much 'better' we are, any team can lose on any day. Let's play with confidence, creativity and an attacking spirit, but not get cocky.
27 August 2006
This Week
Also, based on our roster at the end of this week, I'll make the calculation as to what the team fees for the season will be. If we add players after next Sunday, we can redistribute funds as we see fit. I vote for one of those World Cup balls.
Copied from the e-mail sent out earlier:
As usual, we'll be out at CD East on Monday at 7, at Fiala on Wednesday at 7. Next week is labor day, so I assume we won't be getting together on Monday unless enough voice their opinions otherwise.
According to the schedule, our first game is against Camp Hill on Sunday, September 10, 1pm at CD East. Our second game is Sunday, September 17 at 3pm, at Harrisburg Christian School against Londonderry.
The roster stands at 14 players having registered, one being Billy who has been quite quiet this summer. Billy? Billy?
I know new Mark will register, and that is 15.
Have I forgotten anyone who has registered that you know of?
Take it easy and I'll see you this week.
20 August 2006
Registration, Pickup, etc.
If you read Mark's comment on the recent post, you'll know that you can now register for the fall season on the league's website. Please do so as soon as possible so we can get a roster count and determine what the other fees for the season will be. Note that you will not see your name on the roster until Mark or I add it. We cannot add it until you register. On a related note, you must bring your id to every game.
Jerseys: I don't have any more of the ones we ordered for last season. I suggest that those of you who do not have a red jersey contact me and we'll see about getting you one.
Please respond to this message and let everyone know whether you'll be out at pickup this week. (for those of you who find this on the blog, I'm sending this via e-mail - let's respond via e-mail as that seems to have a better response)
Hope to see you this week,
15 August 2006
Second, Mark also came up with the idea of splitting off the different jobs we have to do to make the team run. In this way, it wouldn't be necessary to have one or two people carry the load. For instance, we could use a treasurer, uniform/eqt manager, all that. And we could rotate it every season. Does anyone want to volunteer for either of those roles or do you have another role in mind?
Third, here is an interesting article and a list of some sites to check out:
Mark will update us with the important info from tonight's meeting.
Hope to see you on the field tomorrow night.
14 August 2006
This Week
Monday, 7, CDEast
Wednesday, 7, Fiala
Let us know if you're coming. Pass this along if you know of anyone who doesn't regularly check the blog.
Perhaps we should work on some 'check to the ball' type drills before scrimmaging. But don't let this deter you from coming out.
See you,
08 August 2006
17 July 2006
Tonight and Wednesday
So, who's in???? So far, I have two (hector and me).
13 July 2006
post world cup link
Also, did anyone make it to training on Wednesday in Camp Hill?
08 July 2006
Summer Pickup - here we go
Our summer pickup schedule starts, for most of us, this Monday, 7pm, at CD East (some of you started last Wednesday, I believe). Please let anyone you think might be a fit for our team know so we can try them out at one of these sessions. See you there.
06 July 2006
world cup soccer
03 July 2006
Pickup Schedule
However, since some of the regulars will be absent, let's start on Monday, July 10 at 7 at CD East.
Take the week off, enjoy the World Cup semis and final, let those nagging injuries heal up, and see you in a week.
28 June 2006
Thursday Pickup
Remember that we start next week on Wednesday, 7pm, at Fiala in Camp Hill. Directions to Fiala from the CASL website: From 581, take the Camp Hill exit (11/15 North) to second traffic signal at Camp Hill Mall. Turn right onto Chestnut. Take a right onto 21st st. Follow 21st to the end, turn right into the cul-de-sac.
Take it easy,
26 June 2006
Another outstanding showing and end of season notes
It can't be said enough - that was great work yesterday all over the field. It's one thing to know we can beat an opponent, another to go out and settle the issue. I can't think of a better way to close the season. All hail Sensei - after playing so many games without subs, we had no problems while the other team struggled. The finishing was outstanding, the defense shined by not only giving them few chances, but by creating a few and starting a number of attacks, and our midfield ran circles around them. Great work, everyone.
As for next season, I think we start the first Sunday after labor day, but that has yet to be determined.
This Thursday we will play as usual, then start up again Wednesday the following week.
If you know are not planning to play with us next season, please let Mark or I know as soon as possible and please turn in your jersey. I hope all of you plan to remain with the team as we are really starting to get it together.
Take it easy and congratulations on a nice win,
23 June 2006
Summer Pickup
So, the schedule will be:
Monday nights, 7pm, CD East
Wednesday nights, 7pm, Fiala (Camp Hill)
I propose starting this schedule on Wednesday, July 5. Let's play next Thursday as usual. Or whatever works, let me know.
Let's count on this and start letting people know via the blog or e-mail whether you will attend or not.
Take it easy and see you Sunday,
21 June 2006
19 June 2006
Hervorragend, meine Herren
Enjoy the world cup games and remember that we'll be up at CD East on Thursday at 7 to kick around.
Also, several people will not be able to make it this Sunday, including our keeper. If you can make it at all, even if it's for a half, please come out. And if you can bring someone along, please do.
Take it easy,
14 June 2006
Preparation for Sunday
11 June 2006
... and the Man
Now, I suppose relegation, if you can call it that, is a certainty. I say so what. It may be a blow to the ego, but we are building a team here, and it takes a couple of seasons to get things straight. We are improving, and that's the important thing. Once we gel, we're going to run the table. Let's keep playing together, because we're moving in the right direction.
Once again, we'll get together on Thursday at 7 at CD East.
Mike Labe - are you still having people over tomorrow? Can you give us directions to your place?
Hang in there guys,
09 June 2006
07 June 2006
04 June 2006
That was a damn fine effort
Let's get together on Thursday again, at 7. See you then,
30 May 2006
Thursday pickup
22 May 2006
Pickup this week
Also, Twin Ponds West is hosting pickup Tuesday night as well as Monday night, 9pm, $5.
19 May 2006
Let's face it, we're hurting when it comes to numbers and I've heard several people mention that they would, put nicely, really like more players. Of course, we mean players that will help us win.
Now, some of us are newer to the area than others, some of us have lots of soccer contacts, and some of us don't. But we can all do something: poach players from other teams who aren't getting playing time, grab players from pickup, post signs at soccer facilities and on listservs. I think we'd be more than willing to let someone come out for a one game trial and see if they fit.
So, let's see if we can find 4 or 5 good players to help us out. We've got a month left to win some games.
15 May 2006
Field Change
10 May 2006
Pick-Up Games
Mon: Twin Ponds West, 9-11pm, $5 charge
Tues: In Carlisle w/ Carlisle team, 6pm, at the field we played at last month (Valley Meadows?)
Wed: in Hershey at the Hershey Med Center, 6pm-ish
Fri: Linglestown Middle School, 6.30 (an older crowd)
Sun: same as Friday but at 4.00 or so
08 May 2006
Not as bad as we thought...
04 May 2006
Next Game, Last Game
Now, as for last week's game: I wanted to say something, but couldn't until now without excessive use of various forms of the word 'motherfucker'. We all know that was an aberration, we can and will play much better. I'm not going to repeat anything - we know what we have to do. I will add that we need to stay focused, and be more aggressive all over the pitch. Don't be a sheep out there - be a wolf.
Bis spaeter,
PS - great pic, sensei.
02 May 2006
29 April 2006
Bloody Chelsea
If anyone was going to stop Chelsea, I would have thought it would have been ManU, apparently, only lowly Charlton can stop them.
Btw: ManU needs to dump/sell RV Nistelrooy.
28 April 2006
Game 4
Game four is this Sunday at 1 pm at CD East. I don't know what color shirts our opponents wear, so please bring a blue shirt along with the red, just in case.
Directions to the field (from the website):
Directions: Take the Union Deposit Road exit from 83/322. Drive East (away from Harrisburg) on Union deposit Road for about 1.5 to 2 miles. Cross Rutherford Road (school is across intersection on the left). Turn left onto Firehouse. You will see fenced in basketball courts in front of you. The field is behind and below the courts. - Not visible from road. Do NOT park in the Firehouse parking lot. - Your car will be towed !
See you there,
25 April 2006
Pickup Next Week
How about a nice, small-sided pickup game, say, next Wednesday at about 7pm? Location tbd. Let me know if you're interested. It would be a good chance to get some touches and some running in...
Leave a comment if you're interested.
18 April 2006
Game 3
Directions: From Harrisburg and West: Take 322 East through Hershey (past the Med Center and Milton Hershey School) and into Campbelltown. The second light in Campbelltown is Rte. 117, turn left onto 117. Travel North on 117 for approximately one mile. There will be an Airport on your left and an RV dealership on your right. Turn right onto Airport Rd. The complex will be just down the road on your right.
--or-- you can take 422 East and turn right onto 117 (beside Klick Lewis) . Take 117 South for 2 miles and turn left onto Airport Rd.
11 April 2006
Game 2
We played quite well this past Sunday, I think, and it's very encouraging that we responded from our first game in such a positive manner.
Now there's a bit of time before our next game and of course time to think, analyze, deconstruct, but there is one very fundamental aspect to our game I think we could focus on for next time - scoring goals. This is everyone's responsibility, not just the forwards. We can build from the back, and now that we've played two games and are getting our legs, we can overlap from the defense.
Last night at the indoor game, we talked about not having that collective edge that pushes you past the opponent. Yes, we played hard, and yes we played well - foundations. I think we're ready to be more aggressive out there, more attack minded, less satisfied with a good chance and more determined to convert that chance.
Give it some thought.
Again, great work this past week. Rest up and we'll see each other a week from Sunday.
07 April 2006
Directions to Carlisle Field
04 April 2006
A few issues...
2. Next Game: this Sunday, 3pm, AT A NEW LOCATION: the game will be played at Valley Meadows in Carlisle. Here are the directions as per the website:
Directions: Interstate 81 to exit 44 Plainfield Rt. 465 (old exit 12)
Turn towards Rt. 11 Northbound I 81 turn left Southbound I 81 turn right Go on
Rt. 465 (Allen Road) approx. ½ mile to Rt. 11 (Sheetz on your left) Right turn
onto Rt. 11 (North) Go on Rt. 11 approx. 1 mile to Meadow Blvd. (2 brick
pillars) Right turn onto Meadow Blvd Go 1 block and turn left into gravel road
for field #1 parking OR Go to end of street (2 blocks) and turn left for field
#2 parking Note: Can access either field from either parking lot
3. Payment: not everyone brought his checkbook this week. No big deal. Please bring a check this Sunday. The amount is $70. If you don't bring payment by this Sunday, no problem. The following Sunday the amount is $75. The week after that, $80. Smells like a pattern, I know. I hate to be a bastard about it, but getting burned every season is no fun.
4. Pickup: with the change to daylight savings, pickup games usually start up. If you know of one, please let everyone know. There used to be a pickup game Wednesday evenings at the Hershey Med Center. Don't know if that's still going on or not.
That's it for now - good work last Sunday and see you in a few days.
jc out
30 March 2006
Now the experiment really begins. For the past few months we've worked at building a team in terms of talent and spirit, and we've succeeded quite well. We had some success, worked through a real rough patch, and now we're playing better than we had before.
Now we are bringing on some new players, and will have to adjust to them, as they will to us, along with playing outdoors - which is of course what it's all about. The outdoor game suits our style, I think.
For those of you concerned about the lightness of our roster, I can only say, don't worry. The numbers are coming together. True, this week may be physically challenging, especially if we only have one or two subs. But enjoy this, enjoy the fact that after two or three games, you'll be back to game shape. If we're tired, rotate between up top, the midfield and defense. We've created this team by picking players capable of playing anywhere, so let's use this to our advantage (and the benefit of our lungs).
Let's keep playing the collective game, passing and moving. And take chances out there, experiment, fight hard, and we'll have a blast regardless of the result.
For those interested, come early to the game this week. At around 2 we're going to start warming up and going over some "strategery".
See you,
28 March 2006
Sundays directions
Jim L, Mike L, Chris D, Steve G, Sam K, Jeff C, Nick S, Kurt T, Mark N, Marat B, Billy M, Gary S, Tim B, and Dilwyn K are now officially rostered. -14 (minus 2 for this Sunday's game).
Billy is still working on one guy, Chris is too. I emailed Dawit and am waiting response.
I'll also email these directions to the addresses that I have (please forward if you notice I missed someone).
Take Route 11 South from Route 11 and Route 114 intersection in Mechanicsburg. Follow Route 11 south past Cumberland Valley High School and take the right at the next light. This is Ridge Hill Drive. Take the next left on Burnheisel Bridge Road and proceed to the park 1 mile on right. Field 1 is the first field on the left entering the park. Cars MUST park in the designated areas.
Note: If you are coming from 81...you would take Rt 11 North...take a left onto Ridge Hill Drive (at the Hess Station at the light before CV High
School) and proceed from there....
24 March 2006
ES Roster
Gary, you didn't register in the fall so you must do so for the spring. - 10.
Chris, have your guy register online notifying me when he is done so I can add him. - 11.
Billy, you must register also. - 12.
Jim, I added Tim Bentz, can you notify him? Have Dilwyn Knott register and notify me when he is done? Is Mark Browning a definite? He is still under Angelos. - thats 14 (maybe 15).
Dan and Val, we could really use you both. Plllleeeaasse - with sugar on top.
Did I miss anyone?
All, you can see the roster, see the schedule, do registeration here:
22 March 2006
It's official
Jeff is ordering jerseys very soon. Game one might require old t's and taped on numbers, but what do you expect from a team that is called Ethereal Silence.
We are still waiting on the league so we can transfer everybody.
Cost for this season is going to be about $70 (plus an additional $20 for those that didn't play in the fall).
Finally... Steve have a good, safe trip.
21 March 2006
spring update
I will be transferring all the fall players from River City to ES in the system later this week. We will need the new players to register after that.
16 March 2006
Spring Outdoor
15 March 2006
Past, present, and future
Remember we need a couple players for spring outdoor. If you know someone let us know.
No game Monday, but Tuesday at 8:30. This is for an undefeated season and the SC Cup. Our opponent recently beat TSI and Londonderry. I'm sure they would love to knock us off too. Come focused and energetic.
14 March 2006
From: Matt Crist [mailto:mcrist@twinponds.com]
Sent: 14 March, 2006 12:36
To: Matt Crist
Subject: Twin Ponds Soccer Tennis Tournament
Twin Ponds is hosting a Soccer Tennis tournament to close out the Winter II
season. Come to Twin Ponds, work on your soccer skill and have fun playing
soccer tennis!! Bring a friend, bring your whole team, this is a great way
to work on soccer skill while having competitive fun!!
Twin Ponds Soccer Tennis Tournament
March 25th 12-6pm - Mega Field
- Youth U13 and Below – Boys and Girls
- Youth U14 and Up – Boys and Girls
- Adult Male / Female and Coed Divisions
- Groups may be combine depending on signups
- Teams will play in a 20x10 area with a net (or something) in the middle
- Lines are ruled as in bounds
- Played similar to tennis
- Ball has one bounce per side (two bounces for U13 and below)
- Each player has a max of two touches
- Players must work together to send ball back and forth
- Players may pass to one another in the air as long as they do not exceed
their two touches
- Scoring like in Ping-Pong will be used
- Must win by two
- Each division tournament will consist of round robin games to seed teams,
then an elimination style tournament to crown a champion.
- $25 per team - advanced registration / $30 per team - registration at the
- Guaranteed 3 games
- Register Online or by contacting Matt at 795-7663 ext 25 or
- Prizes for the winners
- Music, Food and Lots of FUN!!
**Early in the morning, Ronaldinho has been spotted running on the Barcelona
beaches and then has been playing soccer tennis or soccer volleyball gearing
up for Brazil's unprecedented sixth World Cup title run.
More information at Twin Ponds and on our website at www.twinponds.com.
Registration is now taking place. Hope to see you on the 25th!!
Matt Crist
Director of Turf Sports at Twin Ponds
717.795.7663 ext 25
13 March 2006
Several Items
2. Outdoor: There are several issues we need to address as the season will start within the next month or so.
- Organization: for the forseeable future, Mark and Nick will be running the team while I deal with a newborn (scheduled delivery of 3/20) although I will continue to play. They will do very well, as you will see, and I will assist as I can. So, if you've any issues, know of any players, let them know as well as me and please feel free to provide them with all the sarcasm you can muster.
- Players: right now we have 10 confirmed players for the fall. They are, if I am not mistaken, Billy, Mike Labe, Sam K, Kurt T, Chris D, Mark, Gary, Jeff, Nick, and Jim. We need at least seven more. If you know someone, let us know. If you are listed as "committed", and are not, please let us know that as well.
- Schedule / Division: Mark will attend the league meeting this Thursday and will let us know what results. We think we'll be in first division, but haven't had a firm committment. Mark should also know the schedule at this point.
- Field: we've yet to receive a firm committment on the use of a field, so you if you know of one we might use, let us know.
On another note, I'm sad to learn that Steve won't be on the roster for the outdoor season. He's done very well at leading us on the field. That said, he certainly will be an excellent coach. He'll always have a place with us when he decides to return.
10 March 2006
For The Record
3.1 Slide tackling is not permitted whether or not it would have been a legal slide tackle outdoors. A violation will result in possession changing at the point of the tackle. A slide tackle for the purpose of this rule is defined as an attempt by a player to gain possession of the ball from another by tackling in such a way as to cause a knee or other part of the tackler’s body (other than the feet) to touch the floor before, during or immediately after the tackle. A limited exception to this rule is permitted for goal keepers if they are within the penalty box and in the opinion of the Referee the slide tackle is not a “dangerous play.”
I think it is quite clear from this that sliding is permitted in all cases except when tackling. Luckily for us, the ref got it wrong on Tuesday.
Spring Outdoor
It WILL be fun to coach again, though. I'll just have to read the blog to keep up with what you guys are up to.
07 March 2006
Tonight's (7.March) Game
Easy: magnified
1. I think we all understand the check to the ball principle, but what I think is lacking more is simple movement off the ball. When someone makes an ill-advised pass, dribbles that extra step, forces something: most of the time that is caused by lack of options. Example, if Steve is making 2 moves with the ball just to clear attackers before playing a long ball into the corner, I have personally failed (no matter where I am on the field) to provide Steve options. We as a team need to understand that at our skill level, keeping the game simple and supporting each other's play is what wins soccer games. Our attitude and actions when we do not have the ball at our feet dictates how the play will evolve. Think about this, you spend 80-90% of your time on the field without the ball. When the ball is 20+ yards from you is not the time to relax your brain or your feet. Waiting for the play to come to you is REACTIONARY. It's a trap that we all fell into the last 2 games.
2. A shorter game opens up the quick transition or long strike, not vise-versa. Long balls are easy to defend because the time it takes to play the ball gives defenders time to react and read. Retaining possession is harder and strings out our midfield making a counteract much easier for the other team. At TPW, the narrow field and lack of walls make playing that switch the fields ball very tough, you have less margin for error. Support each other by providing options in 10-15 yard increments, then play the quick strike ball.
3. Energy... Hustle and Flow. Up until the last 2 games, ES has had 1 person bring energy to the field throughout the game. We've all shared that role. Now I ask you, who will it be tonight? I hope every one of you answered, ME.
03 March 2006
Play like the Brazilians
Here is an interesting article:
Coaching Corner: Angle Passing By Jeff Tipping, NSCAA Director of Coaching Education
One of the classic features of Brazilian soccer is angle passing. Watching many Brazilian teams play resembles zigzag soccer. One of the passes that we discourage is a straight pass to a straight run vertically down the field. If a central midfield player is checking straight to the ball, which is being passed by a central defender straight down the middle of the field, the midfield player has no idea where the defender is and frequently only has one passing option - which is to pass the ball back to the defender. If on the other hand, the ball is passed at an angle from the fullback to the midfield player, a number of important technical and tactical options are available to both players.
Soccer has been called a sideways on sport and that image is exemplified in Brazilian soccer. When players receive the ball on an angle pass, they are already halfway turned hence are able to see the opponent as well as the ball. Being half way turned also enables the player receiving the ball to either play a double pass with a deep support player, a one-two pass with a player in advance of the ball or a receive the ball and face up against the defender and to dribble and beat the defender.
Being at an angle to the ball also enables the midfield player to read the distance to the defender. If the defender is too tight the pass can be made behind the defender. If the defender is too loose, the ball can be passed to feet.
A great exercise for teaching angle passes and receiving the ball sideways on is a vertical zone exercise. In this 6v6 game the field is divided into three vertical zones with two players from each team in each zone. There is a goal at the end of each zone and each player is restricted to his/her zone. When passing the ball forward, a player cannot pass the ball straight ahead in his/her own zone. When the ball goes forward it must be passed into a different zone, however the ball may be passed straight back in the same zone. Players are allowed to move anywhere inside their own zone and this kind of passing movement sets up a series of zigzag passing, which is the preferred kind of passing in Brazil.
01 March 2006
Game on 2/28
The last ten minutes of the game, however, weren't that bad. This is when we entered our nice, swift passing game.
What I have noticed is that we have started every game this season like we're frantic sprinters who've dropped the relay baton somewhere. People move around at different speeds and soon we're completely fragmented with no cohesion. This leads to a lack of passing options, and we wear ourselves out when we don't have to. My suggestion is that we focus on moving as a team, opening up on offense, consolidating on defense, but passing quickly and trying to maintain an even pace (except, obviously, on breakaways, counters, etc.). Does this make any sense?
Anyway, our next few games will test us. Personally I'm anxious to see how we bounce back after last night.
What was really positive about last night - despite our bafflement, overconfidence, frustration, we never took it out on each other. We remained positive with each other. I've seen and been on other teams who vented their frustration on each other. Well done.